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Ousama game manga Nga kancolle Heads up, anime fans! Spy x Family is ready to steal the spotlight from For those who want more intel on the series, here’s a quick dossier on Anya in Spy x Family, including details on her background story, personality, and first appearance in the manga. Warning: Spoilers if you haven’t read the first three chapters of the Spy x Family manga. Who is Anya in Spy x Family? Anya Forger is one of the main characters of Spy x Family, a spy-comedy manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. The series follows a spy codenamed “Twilight” who accepts a secret mission called Operation Strix. In the mission, the spy has to create a fake family under the name of Loid Forger to get closer to his target, a reclusive politician named Donovan Desmond. Anya in Spy x Family enters the story as a prime candidate to be the pretend daughter of Loid. Despite being labeled as the quiet one by her caregiver, she impresses Loid by finishing a crossword puzzle in a matter of seconds. Loid immediately adopts the pink-haired child, thinking that she has the intellect to pass the entrance exam of Eden Academy, the same elite school that Donovan’s son Desmond attends. It is later revealed that Anya is actually a telepath named “Test Subject 007” who stole the answers from Loid as he looked at the puzzle and found out about his spy lifestyle. As Anya’s favorite anime is a spy series, she makes up her mind to become adopted by Loid, no matter what it takes. Things turn slightly awry when the t... Yohan 1754 18. Doujinshi. [Ponponpain (Ponpon)] Otona o Karakau Chloe-chan ni Makeru Hazu ga nai! (Fate/Grand Order) [Digital] 22. Doujinshi.
